Eulogy read at the funeral service

Created by Keith 12 years ago
LINETTE LOUISE SULLIVAN was born in Chester on 17 March 1946 to parents Frank and Patricia Harrison. She was the youngest of three children and her two brothers both died some time ago. After the usual time spent in school Linette left to join the Army and the Catering Corps. Linette loved anything to do with catering and food preparation and she rapidly progressed in the Army to the rank of sergeant and the job of Instructor. During her time at Aldershot Linette was proud to remember having to cook for Field Marshal Montgomery. At the end of her time at Aldershot Linette was transferred to Manobier in South Wales where she met Sergeant Keith Sullivan. Linette asked Keith to teach her to drive and Keith thinks this probably constitutes entrapment as after 40 years he was still teaching Linette to drive. On one drive to Spain they approached the Spanish border and Linette asked Keith if he would like her to take a spell at the wheel. Keith agreed and as they drove down a motorway access road they encountered a large juggernaut. Linette panicked and asked what she should do – the only response Keith could come up with was – PRAY!! The jury is still out on deciding whether Linette was a poor student or Keith was a bad instructor! Both Keith and Linette left the army and Linette to a job as cook to Lord and Lady Wardington at Wardington Manor in Oxfordshire. Keith was working as a truck driver before rejoining the army as a civil servant. It was during her time in Oxfordshire that Linette took a twilight job at the Automotive Products factory making brake components for the then thriving car industry. It was here that Linette met Sandy and they quickly became best friends. Sandy and husband Roy live in California and sadly can’t be here today. In 1971 Keith and Linette were married and Linette became mum to Jeff and Janet and was soon joined by their own son Jason As I said Keith became a Civil Servant with the army and was posted to Leconfield, just north of Beverley in East Yorkshire in 1977. Keith worked for the Civil Service until he retired in 2002. Between leaving the army and joining the Civil Service Keith joined the Territorial Army and there they met Bert and Brenda. Keith and Linette were to some extent responsible for Bert and Brenda coming to live in Spain. Linette and Brenda became great friends and Brenda spent several hours with Linette last Tuesday. Brenda came from the hospital straight to our church bible study and we had the privilege of praying for Linette the evening before she died. During their time in Leconfield Linette took a job as cookery instructor with Beverley College and worked with people with learning difficulties teaching them to become self sufficient in food preparation. It was here that Linette met Pat who worked as a technician preparing the foodstuffs and equipment for demonstrations. A great friendship developed and Pat and husband Barry are here today. In 2002 Keith and Linette came to Spain and soon found the home of their dreams. They moved here in 2003 and lived in a rural finca for two years waiting for their house to be completed. Over the past six years living on Camposol Linette joined a number of clubs kindly named by Keith variously as The Fat Club and the Gossip club to name but two. Linette was an inveterate smoker and was constantly chastised by members of the Gossip (sorry Sewing) club and Linette was banished to the garden when she needed a cigarette. On one occasion she stubbed out her cigarette on a potted tree. Over the next few days the homeowner could smell a sort of smouldering aroma and eventually found a three inch deep deposit of ash and a smouldering tree was fatally damaged. From then on Linette would be invited to start barbecues whilst others attending were asked to bring their own fire extinguishers. Linette was an excellent cook and Jason remembers a caravan holiday and one evening his mum preparing a superb meal with a starter of 5 cheeses in filo pastry followed by Steak with boiled potatoes and green all cooked on the caravan stove. Jason’s cooking skills amounted to a phone call to mum asking “How do I...” Eventually Linette bought Jason a cook book and inscribed saying it would save him a fortune on phone calls. Linette was a very artistic and creative person making a wide variety of greetings cards and a speciality of decorated eggs in the style of Faberge. Not just painted hens eggs but even an ostrich egg with a clock inside. All in all Linette was a wonderful homemaker, glamorous and always beautifully dressed. In the words of one of her friends She was just such a great friend